Friday, 31 August 2012


Now I don't want to get into the legal differences between squatters' rights and political asylum, but if our 'boys in blue' are now allowed to evict the unwashed & feckless from empty unwanted properties, surely they can arrest known criminals that are camping out on working embassies' floors?

I never had much time for the Ecuadorians myself.
Funny bunch.
Never really forgave them for 1979.

But just last Tuesday, on speaking to my friend Captain Vaughan Lockhart-Smith of Ellingham (lets call him Pinky), he told me house prices have plummeted since the antipodean chose a Baby Belling and a floor-mat, over one of Suffolk's finest stately homes.

Assange may be a cad in the sack, and he jolly well is an enemy to Western governments' security, but when the Aussies start fiddling with our finances in our own backyards, I think it's time we ruddy well called out the SAS!

Still, I suppose we at least have Claudia 'Get Orf My Land' Schiffer to keep the natives away.

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