My experience with the DWP thus far has been a confusing one.
It's obvious that IDS has had a ruddy good shake-up, and isn't going to let this wonderful country of ours be held to ransom by a bunch of lefties and work-shy dossers.
Only yesterday I had a tele-con with a provincial sounding member of the old-school Job Centres. He sounded so tired and sorry for him, and myself, that I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of Wilson's Labour Exchange lot!
Full of advice on how to work the system, he wearily explained that different outside organisations were dealing with the Coalition Government's cull, and it would be in my interest to get supporting medical evidence if I wished to continue sponging off the state!
Needless to say, I took his name.
I realised today that I pressed the wrong telephone key, and that's why I spoke to an outgoing member of staff in 'Incapacity Benefit'.
No doubt he'll contact his union soon, if he hasn't done so already, and look into options with regard to his over-inflated pension.
But happily today I pressed Option 3 (ESA) on my telephone key-pad, and I was transported to a brave new world.
A well-spoken lass dealt with my enquiry abruptly and with no empathy whatsoever.
"What exactly was my problem?" she repeatedly asked.
No shilly-shallying. Straight to the point.
(I took her name also, as I'm rather hoping she may be my 'Personal Adviser')
It's this new breed of Public Sector worker, that I feel will get GB working once again.
Beds back, curtains back, twice around the parade ground and a freezing cold shower before breakfast.
If we can just get that Euro-loving, French-tickling, sausage-hunting Cameron out of office, and get IDS back into the hot-seat, it'll be no more neverending dole queues, and a bad-back brigade that can be thankful they're alive.
God Bless Conservatism!