Monday, 23 September 2013


So Cleggy thinks the way forward is to maintain a flabby coalition, despite the fact that no blighter really wants to take charge.
I think the sooner we flush-out these wishy-washy salmon pinkos, the better the United Kingdom of Great Britain & The Northern Bit of Ireland will be, and we can all get on with boosting the economy, elevating house prices, bettering our investment portfolios, and our sorry excuse for a military machine, the Greatest British Army.

The wagon-jumping, rat-faced Teather's abandoned ship, Huhne's incarcerated, Kennedy's plastering three sheets onto the wind, Oaten's a chutney weasel and Major-Captain Ashdown has finally joined the war party (albeit from the wrong side of the benches).
I think the liberal-demagogues should ruddy well buck up their ideas, stop recruiting teenagers and realise that no-one actually reads the Independent newspaper other than pot-smokers and female impersonators.

If we don't bomb Syria soon, the Argentines and the Spanish will inevitably invade British sovereign soil, and we'll be handing over the Isle of Wight to the Russians, before we can say "No Deal Uncle Bulgaria".

And I see Moriband is all set to sack those hard-working chaps at ATOS.
Another 10,000 on the unemployment scrap-heap.
If my experience with the DWP is anything to go by, he'll replace ATOS as soon as is bally well possible (probably with a Trot-infested organisation like the Co-Op or the Mail on Sunday's colour supplement).
Those fellows are doing a damned fine job at keeping Johnny Foreigner away from our poorly NHS and our ever-shrinking pot of gold.
Moriband won't get into Number 10 now anyway.
Not if Australia and Germany's recent elections are a sign of better things to come.

Still no word from Lowestoft John (My Personal Adviser).
A chap with an illegible scribble of a signature sent me a letter recently, informing me that I could attend a 'Work Focused Interview' if I really wanted, but I was under no obligation.

Now, if this was the Army, I wouldn't have a ruddy choice!

I'd be expected to attend the interview, and the onus would be on me to have polished shoes, a sensible haircut, a smart uniform and a positive attitude.
All this laissez-faire, non-committal, voluntary attitude is what's wrong with this sceptic isle.
A bit of National Service, a few medals, a trade and a pension wouldn't do anybody any harm, and it would keep the feckless, the scroungers, the idle and twerkers from vegetating in front of Pointless on a regular basis.

My letter explained that as I had paid into the National Insurance scheme all of my life, I was in the 'Contributory' group, and this means I'm not entitled to free prescriptions, eye-tests or dental treatment.

And quite right too!
We can't be seen to be wasting valuable government resources on those who 'can do'.
If the unwashed snivelling masses knew where their housing & child benefits came from, they'd only want more of the same, and this would put unnecessary strains on the Ministry of Defence, the Church of England, Iain Duncan Smith (peace be upon him) and quite probably the Countryside Alliance too.

2015 can't come quick enough for me.
If we have to coalesce, please God let it be with Farage.
A man with his military pedigree would be the tonic to accompany a gin-soaked Tory revival, in which we kick out the lemons and replace them with a dash of bitters, and a private pensions renaissance.

God Save the Queen!
Iain Duncan Smith for Prime Minister!

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