I'm absolutely livid with the state of the UK economy.
It would appear that some of our finest British institutions are making huge staff-cutbacks, whilst the seemingly neverending dole queue gets larger & larger, thus creating further queues of job-shirkers, trying to get Daytime Double-Deals.
Tried to book a mid-week, midday table last week, at Prezzos, Zizzis and WagaMaMas, and all were fully booked.
Couldn't even get a table at Nando's, and this was on the 13th of February, not the special day itself.
Ended up watching War Horse for a 3rd time, but I let Mrs.Mac have a cheesy dip with her nachos on this one occasion.
So it would appear we're going to go the way of the wops & Frogs, and have our Amateur Athletics Association ratings reduced.
Good riddance I say.
The sooner the Chinese get over here and re-instate National Service, the better.
Meanwhile, all the twittering dogshit-steppers are up in arms about Mandatory Work Activity. If they all stopped gazing into their eye-phones and watched where they're heading, they'd see that a bit of unpaid work could well be the bally tonic this septic isle is in need of.
Tesco are offering free uniforms and a potential career path for the feckless, and all the couch potato copy & pasters can do, is bleat to each other about so-called unfairness and unwarranted exploitation.
And I see the pinkos at Waterstones & Sainsbury's are distancing themselves from this brave move by Dave?
It's a 'workfare' scheme.
No one said anything about 'work-fair' schemes.
The DFS sale is over.
Your Moonpig app is worthless.
It's time to get your fingers out.
(I certainly won't be buying any of Jammy Oliver's Taste Your Differences Butternut Squash Risotto + Fresh Rocket for a while, that's for sure).
Lowestoft John (my Personal Adviser) has assured me that my inability to stand for any length of time, and my sporadic inability to lift anything, will not discount me from this new initiative.
I'm in one of IDS' DWP WRAGs, so I'm more than capable of having an equal chance with the unwashed.
It would appear that a lot of the bad-back brigade give up workfare within the first thirteen weeks (probably nipping back to mum & dads' in Poland for a handout!) thus creating even more career opportunities for those of us who actually want to work.
The problem with these million-or-so benefit scrounging kids is that they don't understand the concept of austerity.
Not all of us can be fashion designers or social-media experts.
Some of us are foot-soldiers.
An army marches on its stomach, and an apple a day can certainly make a man(or woman) of everyone.
And if Tesco go down the Swanee, it won't be just the Finest apples we'll be missing.
I think there's a fair chance that Value pet insurance and Clubcard deals will suffer too.
I think I'm going to try and excel at trolley-collecting.
Every Tom Dick or Mary is going to want to stack shelves, or be the Deputy Manager, so I might try my hand at more niche skills.
I hope I get a name badge.
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